We worked with the City of Seaside and Kurt Overmeyer, Seaside’s Economic Development Program Manager, to collect estimates of water usage based on the non-residential water release form for the business sector of Seaside. We did this by walking to each individual business to calculate the water usage based on their group use. Read the […]
Sustainable Development Goal: 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
The Village of Monticello Wastewater Treatment Facility
Wastewater treatment is the process of removing contaminants and creating an effluent that can be returned to the water cycle with minimal impacts. Municipal wastewater treatment includes streams from household sewage and sometimes industrial wastewater. Physical, chemical, and biological processes can be used to remove contaminants, including excessive nutrients, to produce an effluent that is […]
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Spring Creek Watershed Water Forum
This project will inform the community of stakeholders of water resources in the region as to potential divergent positions and issues, as well as opinions and attitudes towards an integrated regional water management approach. Student research and role play will identify stakeholders’ values and perceptions with the goal of framing procedures towards future resolution while […]
public sewer feasibility study
This project is sponsored in part by the Jonestown City Council with Marilee Pfannstiel as the Community Development Director of Jonestown, and in part by Frank Phelan, P.E. from Jay Engineering Company. Mr. Phelan was commissioned by the city to design their public sewer system and is the engineering lead for the students in the […]
Water Savings Devices versus Income in the City of Seaside
This project examined households in the city of Seaside which have received rebates for purchasing water-saving appliances. The goal of this project is to see which income levels make a household more likely to purchase a water-saving appliance with a rebate and whether or not distance from a major retailer has an effect on said […]
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Clean Samish Initiative
This initiative is an effort to reduce water pollution that results in the closure of shellfish harvest in Samish Bay. In Assessment, Evaluation and Research in Environmental Education, a course taught by Dr. Gene Myers, a student project team researched strategies for motivating and sustaining behavioral change to support this initiative. (ENVS 588, fall 2017) […]
Water Quality Improvement Plan
This course will employ UTK’s watershed group to develop recommendations that will improve physical, chemical, and biological health of impaired water bodies in the region. Students should identify best management practices to reduce nonpoint pollution and improve watershed health across a diverse range of geographic conditions. Staff has long advocated for improvements in stormwater planning […]
Lowering Phosphorus Levels in Browntown
The WI DNR has changed legislation regarding phosphorus levels in municipal wastewater. The change, lowering standards from 4.8 mg/L to 0.075mg/L, created noncompliance issues for the Browntown, WI municipal wastewater treatment facility. The system operator, Rob, has emphasized that any changes to the system must comply with the city’s public budget of $270,000 (for all […]
Lake Montesian Conservation Plan
The Village of Monticello wants Lake Montesian to be a beautiful landmark of the town that can also provide a healthy population of fish to support fishing activities. In addition to the lake’s aesthetic and practical functions, residents also enjoy using the island in the middle as a location for special events such as weddings […]
Stormwater Design Of Walker Township
The task of the BE 460 students is to document and quantify stormwater challenges at the Cree Manor housing development in Walker Township and to assess and design possible solutions such as: re-design the stormwater outlet structure for the development, investigate whether water could be diverted, and consider whether best management practices (e.g., rain garden, […]