The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards program (MWS) develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS is wrapping up the third year of its partnership with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and is preparing to expand the MWS program to seven watershed districts […]
Read More… from Organizational Communication with Volunteers
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to work for the health of their water at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS has implemented the MWS program with many watershed districts and cities and is in the process of expanding state-wide. To date, MWS […]
Read More… from Strategic Communication for Master Water Stewards
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to work for the health of their water at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS has implemented the MWS program with many watershed districts and cities and is in the process of expanding state-wide. To date, MWS […]
Read More… from Strategic Communication for Master Water Stewards
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS is wrapping up the third year of its MWS pilot partnership with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and is preparing to expand the MWS program to seven […]
Read More… from Public Media for the Master Water Stewards
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. As part of the training program, MWS complete a capstone project in their watershed to infiltrate stormwater into the ground. MWS can use the MIDS calculator to determine […]
Read More… from Examining Urban Agriculture as a Stormwater Best Management Practice
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. After a successful pilot, FWS will expand the MWS program to watershed districts and cities state-wide. As the program expands, the FWS needs to develop and refine recruiting […]
Read More… from Marketing and Recruitment for Master Water Stewards
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. After a successful pilot, FWS will expand the MWS program to watershed districts and cities state-wide. As the program expands, the FWS needs to develop and refine recruiting […]
Read More… from Marketing and Recruitment for Master Water Stewards
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. After a successful pilot, the FWS is preparing to expand the MWS program to watershed districts and cities state-wide. As the program expands, the FWS needs to provide […]
Read More… from Designing Urban Garden Perimeter Plantings
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. After a successful pilot, the FWS is preparing to expand the MWS program to watershed districts and cities state-wide. As the program expands, the FWS needs to provide […]
Read More… from Designing Urban Garden Perimeter Plantings
The Freshwater Society’s (FWS) Master Water Stewards (MWS) program develops, certifies, and supports community volunteer leaders to manage stormwater at a neighborhood scale to improve water quality. FWS is wrapping up the third year of its MWS pilot partnership with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and is preparing to expand the MWS program to seven […]
Read More… from Public Media for the Master Water Stewards