Students in CED 309 will create maps and other tools to help educate local leaders and the general public about the impacts of development and land use on Spring Creek Watershed and its role as an economic asset to the community. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative […]
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Students in ASM/ERM 309 deploy real-time hydrological equipment at 2 study sites in Centre County. The equipment includes a datalogger and 12 V batter, a solar panel and several sensors that will run from the datalogger in the enclosure box and into the stream. The sensors include a dissolved oxygen probe, a water level sensor, […]
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Students determine why the current stormwater management practices in Huntingdon Borough are not handling the current rainfall, and to offer a practical, long term, innovative stormwater management plan. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info University Faculty Contact Megan Marshall Agricultural Sciences Associate Teaching Professor […]
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Springfield believes that most pollution by residents can be attributed to a lack of awareness and have tasked this class of Journalism and Communications students to conduct a public relations campaign and make recommendations on which characteristics of the Adopt-A-Waterway program would be most appealing to residents. This report contains a Strategic Public Relations Plan […]
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Strengthen and integrate existing City stormwater management regulations to streamline the stormwater permitting process and reduce illicit discharges; recommend stormwater management strategies to reduce runoff and surface water pollution on the Ridgedale Mall redevelopment site. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Jean […]
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Senior engineering students researched existing commercial small-scale wastewater systems for Iowa City and designed a facility for several different kinds of these small systems to be tested for use in Iowa. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities Contact Info University Faculty Contact Paul Hanley Civil […]
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Redmond Wastewater Division (RWD) partnered with a University of Oregon (UO) School of Journalism and Communications public relations course, J453: Strategic Planning and Cases for Public Relations, to increase awareness and educate Redmond elementary, middle, and high school students about water conservation and contamination. In order to prevent the growth of a severe water conservation […]
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Provide information and analysis that can inform planning for future household waste management. Projections of future demand for HHW facilities, research on demographic use to pinpoint populations or areas not utilizing the service, recommendations for both outreach and future growth. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact […]
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Project Overview The City of Elk River is home to an impaired lake and two impaired rivers. The City has been focusing on stormwater runoff reduction to these waters as well as pre-treatment techniques to improve water quality. However, the City has not implemented an alternative treatment system on city property, such as a green […]
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Pet waste has been identified as a likely source of high levels of fecal coliforms in a tributary to the White River. This tributary is downhill from a large residential area. The aim of this project will be to educate these residents about the issues associated with improper disposal of pet waste. Read the final […]
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