Currently, the City of Salem provides approximately 10,500 streetlights for the safety and well-being of its residents. These streetlights cost the city roughly 1.5 million dollars per year in combined electricity and maintenance costs, representing 20 percent of Public Works Department expenditures. The city uses a combination of ownership and rental options in partnership with […]
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Currently, the Student Farm at Penn State has five sheds located on the one-acre lot. There is no access to electricy on the site. The farm seeks to examine feasibility for installing solar panels on the shed roofs to generate enough energy to power a computer and rechargeable tools. Read the final student report delivered […]
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Clean Fuel Partners (CFP) owns several anaerobic digesters and currently uses them to produce electricity to be sold to a local utility. However, this arrangement is only profitable because the two companies have a power purchase agreement (PPA) with one another. Once the PPA is up, Clean Fuel Partners needs to find a different use […]
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Assess and make recommendations for the use of solar, wind, and other alternative energy sources to power municipal facilities. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Carissa Schively Slotterback Public Affairs Local Government / Community Contact Christine Watson Public Works Coordinator, City of […]
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As part of a major retrofit of his prominent historic registy property, owner Denson Groenendaal would like to harness solar energy from the buildings located on the site. Students will conduct a feasibility study for the installation of solar energy systems at the site, including recommendations for equipment to be used, site modifications (e.g., removal […]
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A Product Design studio course from the University of Oregon took on the Efficient Public Lighting Options project and worked to develop design concepts that would meet Salem’s lighting needs and reduce their energy use. The tenweek project focused on analyzing Salem’s current streetlighting and identifying areas for improvement, and on generating lighting solutions that […]
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Students will provide a written report detailing measured impacts of Cleveland’s current and potential future plans that also details best practices for Cleveland to improve energy, environment, mobility, and communication within the city. This will include identification of strengths and weaknesses in relation to energy, environment, mobility, and communication development, as well as potential paths […]
Read More… from Benefits of City Living: Connecting Energy, Enviornment, Mobility, and Communication Urban Area Improvements
Identify best practices and policy tools that can be used by County and local government to accommodate and attract high-quality solar and other alternative energy projects while protecting community interests. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Elizabeth Wilson Public Affairs Local Government […]
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Though hypermarkets and supermarkets have become the primary source of goods for most Malaysians, many prefer to get their fresh agricultural products from farmers’ and wet markets, like the Alor Gajah Wet Market in the State of Melaka. Each month, the market sends two tons of waste–a third of its total monthly food supply–to a […]
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Hat Yai Municipality plans to transform itself into a “Green City” while developing protocols to deal with its vulnerabilities. Even before COVID-19 impacted the municipality, it was already facing extensive challenges due to climate change and its location and elevation. The municipality plans to embrace flexibility in future urban design, taking potential disruptions into account. […]
Read More… from Public Green Space GIS in Hat Yai Municipality