The Town of Clarkdale has identified several points of pride in the Town to be developed for business expansion and tourism attraction, including the Bitter Creek Industrial Park. Located near the historic Bitter Creek Bridge, the Bitter Creek Industrial Park has been identified for housing and industry development. With close proximity to the Verde Canyon […]
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The City of Portage, Columbia County, Wisconsin, United States, is a magnet for attracting employees and businesses. The thriving business sector is establishing the Northside Business Park near I-90 towards the northern part of the city. Which leads to the question, “What businesses are realistic to populate the park?” Market Analysis for the Northside facilitates […]
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EMS (Emergency Medical Service) services are essential to all communities to provide medical assistance in times of emergencies. However, in the last few years, there has been a dramatic decline in the recruitment and retention of EMS professionals within departments throughout the country. This decline has been seen drastically in rural communities where there are […]
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In response to the needs of the City of Portage, several recommendations have been made for population and financial growth. First, a community center should be added, to support and educate new residents, and bring the community together as Portage grows. In response to expected population growth, downtown Portage needs to be enriched, both through […]
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As the city struggles to find enough workers to fill its jobs, Portage is trying to understand ways it can become more welcoming to residents from countries that speak a languege other than English. This report offers recommendations for how to make the community welcoming for new residents who speak Spanish. UniverCity Year Contact Info: […]
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A new website for the Columbia County Economic Development Corporation was created through this independent student project in computer science. UniverCity Year Contact Info: […]
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The purpose of this report is to propose sustainable ways to expand the recreation services for the City of Lemon Grove, as well as provide sustainable solutions that revitalize existing recreational offerings. Dr. Jennifer Sheppard’s class—RWS 504 Advanced Professional Writing— investigated a wide range of options to be included in this report. Through gathered surveyed […]
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This detailed report, created as part of the Sage Project’s partnership with the San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition, presents numerous policies with an aim towards sustainable and equitable development and life for all communities within San Diego County, with a particular focus on residents of Southeast San Diego, a community that is impacted by numerous […]
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En el marco de las acciones del área de Desarrollo Sostenible de la Dirección General de Vinculación de la Universidad de Colima y de acuerdo a las actividades del proyecto denominado “Mieles de Colima, caracterización palinológica y alternativas producción”, la Dirección General de Vinculación y la Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, con el apoyo […]
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A Management & Human Resources class analyzed the village of Waunakee’s Human Resources Department and offered recommentions to hire more diverse employees to widen diversity within the community, eliminate unconsious biases, and ensure equitable working conditions through the development of a step-by-step action plan. UniverCity Year Contact Info: […]
Read More… from Improving diversity, equity and inclusion practices of Human Resources management in the Waunakee Administrator’s Office