Field Effort

Under the direction of past SCP Coordinator, David Davidson, a field crew of students used surveyor’s instruments to measure the elevation of the ground floor of every building in West Stanwood. They gathered information about the size and type of each building’s foundation and performed some face-to-face interviews. Read the final student report delivered to […]

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City of Buffalo Comprehensive Plan Thoroughfare Plan

TTC is working with the City of Buffalo to provide feedback and guidance on the city’s comprehensive plan, which will direct the growth and development of the city for the next two decades. The main purpose of this collaboration is to create a community-wide vision for the future of the city by determining goals and […]

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City of Buffalo Comprehensive Plan Implementation Table

TTC is working with the City of Buffalo to provide feedback and guidance on the city’s comprehensive plan, which will direct the growth and development of the city for the next two decades. The main purpose of this collaboration is to create a community-wide vision for the future of the city by determining goals and […]

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Adaptive Reuse: A Public Saftey Facility for Redmond Police

This report summarizes the design proposals for an adaptive reuse public safety facility in Redmond, Oregon. The building is currently a National Guard training facility, but it is likely to be sold in the near future. The city is considering it as a future location for the Redmond Police Department, which is in desperate need […]

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Highway 10: A Community and Regional Focal Point (U.S. Highway 10 Corridor Plan)

This project was completed as part of the 2017-2018 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with the City of Ramsey. The City of Ramsey sought to improve its communication and engagement efforts with stakeholders (residents, business owners, and commuters). Students in Dr. Dan Milz’s Planning and Public Policy capstone analyzed the City’s existing engagement plan, developed […]

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Creating Housing Opportunities for All Generations (Housing Plan)

This project was completed as part of the 2017-2018 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with the City of Ramsey. The City of Ramsey has long had a goal to create destinations in the community for residents to shop, eat, and enjoy entertainment. Market forces make achieving this goal challenging, and current efforts have fallen short […]

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Highway 10: A Community and Regional Focal Point (U.S. Highway 10 Corridor Plan)

This project was completed as part of the 2017-2018 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with the City of Ramsey. Ramsey is bisected by U.S. Highway 10, which is slated for significant upgrades in the next 20 years to convert the corridor to a limited-access highway. However, the uncertain timing of future Highway 10 improvements makes […]

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Modeling the West Alisal Road Diet and Campus Congestion

This group’s analysis of the W. Alisal corridor was conducted under the context of the implementation of a road diet. For the study of the Salinas roadway we took several factors into consideration when conducting a road diet and mapped the plausible effects of the infrastructure improvement in a causal loop diagram. Then diagram was […]

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