Consultancy Services for preparation of Detailed Project Report for Rehabilitation and Upgradation to two lane with paved shoulder configuration of Araku (Bhalluguda) to Bowdara Section of NH – 516 E in state of Andhra Pradesh.

B. Description of the Subprojects The objective of the MORTH’s Project Financing Facility is to support the projects for improving Andhra Pradesh State’s connectivity of the current rural interior and achieving a larger coverage of the National Highway and State Highway. The loan from the MORTH will be on – lent to the Government of […]

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Conducting a space needs analysis for Marathon County facilities

Marathon County is seeking uses for the Lakeview Professional Plaza and the Universityof Wisconsin-Stevens Point dormitory building within the county that is no longer being used.The courthouse in Marathon County is currently experiencing overcrowding, so moving some ofthe departments into the Lakeview Professional Plaza is the intended goal. Meeting theprofessional needs of many departments as […]

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Reconstructing the intersection of Grand Avenue and Forest Street in Wausau Preliminary Engineering Report

University of Wisconsin-Madison engineering students created a preliminary design report for the revised design of the Grand Avenue and Forest Street intersection for Marathon County and the City of Wausau. To prepare an effective preliminary design, the team has reviewed the project scope and constraints outlined in the proposal and identified additional details through discussions […]

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Floodplain Management in Wisconsin Rapids

The student project manager at Vortex Engineering guided Wisconsin Rapids with flooing issues within their community. With substantial flooding along the Wisconsin River, the group urged the problem be solved to ensure the safety of those living within the area. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 […]

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Examining best practices for de-icing in Marathon County

In order to be more cost effective and environmentally conscious, Marathon County ishoping to utilize a standard salt usage plan as the road de-icing techniques currently vary in eachof the 11 municipalities in the county. This disconnect is not only ineffective, but also potentiallydangerous to drivers traveling throughout different municipalities that salt heavier or lighter […]

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Understanding environmental attitudes in the Fenwood Creek Watershed, Marathon County

In an effort to gain better insight for outreach strategies, this student team wrote and conducted apublic attitudes survey of Fenwood Creek Watershed farmers and landowners. Their goal was to gain perspectives on broad topics such as local watershed health and conservation efforts. The team’s methodology focused on three areas: communication, research, and survey writing. […]

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Promoting soil health through public engagement in Marathon County

This student team assessed the County Conservation Plan and Farmland Preservation Plan and held discussions with Marathon County and associates to identify ways they can increase public awareness in Marathon County. They want to influence people to adapt to new sustainable agricultural practices that can enhance soil health. The students focused on finding ways to […]

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Assessing Marathon County riparian and wetland resources

Marathon Co. is located within the Central Wisconsin River Basin, which inevitably provides the county with an abundance of surface water sources such as streams, tributaries, and wetlands. This abundance of water sources can easily be polluted when agriculture or urban/developed landcover types are in close proximity to these areas. Landcover types located within a […]

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Public Art in Wisconsin Rapids

Ripon College’s Art Management 377 class captured murals, tombstones, sculptures, and benches that are important to Wisconsin Rapid’s history. This spreads awareness of the county’s impact on history. Some images explain the importance of the train that ran through town, the progression of medicine from 1855-2007, and depictions of the creation of the paper mill/dam. […]

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