Manchester – Early Stage Coach Road Relocation

As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students developed a plan to close a section of road to accommodate local airport clearances, and designed a new section of road to reroute traffic. Manchester Municipal Airport is located at 1561 Early Stagecoach Road. Runway 18/36 runs perpendicular to Early Stagecoach Road, […]

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Manchester – Shelly Park Redevelopment

As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students created designs for improvements to Manchester’s Shelly Park, a highly used amenity adjacent to the whitewater rafting course on the Maquoketa River. Shelly Park Redevelopment has a couple design challenges. The City of Manchester’s goal for the park redevelopment is to include […]

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Manchester – Waterway and Dry Run Remediation and Redevelopment / Plan for Displaced Households

As part of their Senior Design Capstone course, Civil & Environmental Engineering students designed stormwater infrastructure to minize flooding impacts in Manchester, particularly for structures newly identified as being in the floodplain after recent redrawing of maps. In 2015, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources conducted a map update of the City’s waterways along the […]

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Manchester – West Delaware Community School District Marketing & Branding

Marketing students in the Tippie College of Business Marketing Institute developed a marketing strategy to promote the West Delaware County Community School District and to help stem recent open enrollment out of the district. The West Delaware County Community School District (West Delaware CCSD) is based in Manchester, Iowa and serves the communities of Dundee, […]

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Waterloo – Library Marketing and Public Relations Campaign

Juniors in the Tippie College of Business Marketing Institute developed a marketing strategy to help the Waterloo Public Library increase outreach to the business community in Waterloo. As part of its 2020-2025 Strategic Plan, the Waterloo Public Library wants to increase its outreach to the business community. This includes start-ups and established businesses. The library […]

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Waterloo – Library Account Holder Map

The Waterloo Public Library sought to understand how account holders were spread across Waterloo in order to identify areas that may need to be better served. Addresses of existing account holders were mapped with GIS, which provided several opportunities for further analysis, including account holders outside of city boundaries, households not using WPL services, and […]

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Waterloo – Policing and Community Relations

Graduate and advanced undergraduate students in the Department of Sociology & Criminology studied the relationship between law enforcement and mental health cases in Waterloo. Criminology students worked with Waterloo law enforcement agencies and social service providers to study incidents that involve people experiencing mental health issues, the protocols for responding to these incidents, and opportunities […]

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