Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning (M-NCPPC), which operates under Prince George’s County (PGC) Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), is responsible for approximately 194 stormwater management systems (SWM) throughout the county that range in scale, complexity, and type. The management of these assets is currently overseen by the Maintenance and Development Division, however, their staff […]
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Welcome to District Line, an exciting new destination in the making. This multi-family,mixed-use project is being planned for three underutilized parcels in SeatPleasant,Maryland, just across DC’s eastern border.The site is comprised of the lots from 5922 to5950 Martin Luther King Jr Highway.Currently the location of a CVS(indicated on the map to the right)and assorted strip […]
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In February 2021, the community of Seat Pleasant requested an analysis from different real estate developers to propose potential developments in the existing shopping districts along a main traffic artery, Martin Luther King, Jr. Highway. Related Development, Inc.’s proposed development plans to enable the City of Seat Pleasant to pursue funding sources to bring the […]
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New Windsor, Maryland is seeking to install upgrades to town infrastructure; accomplishing this would have significant costs. Based on preliminary projections, there is potential for growth over the next 20-30 years, and it is important to consider that this growth could bring in new revenue. New Windsor has commissioned seniors in the University of Maryland’s […]
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The project was divided into two teams, education/entrepreneurship and marketing team. The education/entrepreneurship team provided awareness to Baltimore County by testing the level of residents’ awareness of the existing community gardens, identify the major reasons for lack of participation and develop informational resources on gardening to facilitate education and learning. The marketing team determined optimal […]
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The Patapsco Heritage Greenway (PHG) and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) help preserve Maryland’s natural resources along the Patapsco River. PHG oversees volunteers who take on various roles ranging from litter cleanup to identification, while DNR works in conjunction with PHG in clean-up efforts. Both PHG and DNR seek to enhance their data […]
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The semester was divided into a group of students who studied to evaluate the linkages between folk art and farming and analyze the opportunities that will benefit both farmers and artists including by identifying common materials used by local artists, evaluating the production capacity of local farmers, and inquiring about possibilities to establish a network […]
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Through its Department of Parks and Recreation, Prince George’s County is looking for ways to improve community health by developing a mobile application to aid in physical and mental wellness. This application will be used as a tool to promote and track the use of parks, trails, and open space and the reported impacts on […]
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Prince George’s County Parks & Recreation builds, operates, and maintains a number of facilities with significant lifespans. To better understand the impact of capital investment and building code changes that might lead to reducing long term operating costs, the Department seeks a comparative analysis using available utilities usage data from six large, well established facilities. […]
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Prince George’s County Parks & Recreation (PGDPR) uses an enterprise asset management (EAM) system and work order processing system operated jointly with other jurisdictions. While the system has been in use for some time, user adoption has been a challenge. To promote greater user adoption and data quality, the county asked the project team to […]
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