Designing Research Methods for Community Engagement in Southeast San Diego

The research in this report was created through a partnership between the San Diego Urban Sustainability Coalition (SDUSC) and the Sage Project at San Diego University during Spring of 2022. This research was conducted by students in an upper division anthropology class titled ANTH 531 Methods in Applied Anthropology. This research project aimed to create […]

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Developing cultural resources management protocol for Waunakee

In the spring of 2021, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies partnered with the Ho-Chunk Nation and the Village of Waunakee through UniverCity Alliance. Undergraduate Students in their Environmental Studies Capstone Class worked in collaboration with Ho-Chunk Nation and Waunakee to recommend guidelines and protocols for Ho-Chunk Nation cultural resource management in […]

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Designing community- based installations of Ho-Chunk culture in Ripp Park Waunakee

The aim of this project is to educate visitors at Ripp Park about Ho-Chunk history, language, culture, and ecology. This project has been developed through collaboration among representatives from Ho-Chunk Nation, the Village of Waunakee, and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at UW Madison. As a part of the UniverCity Year project in Waunakee, […]

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Mapping Ho-Chunk cultural resources in Waunakee

Travel routes used by the Ho-Chunk Nation wind their way through the Dejope or Four Lakes region, which includes Wisconsin. Though in some cases they have morphed into modern roads and walking paths, many of the original paths exist only in scattered historical records and living memory. Combining investigation and historical work and in collaboration […]

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Exploring a land acknowledgment statement for Waunakee

This land acknowledgement was created in collaboration with the Ho-Chunk Nation, the Village of Waunakee, UniverCity Year, and the UW-Madison Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies. Specifically, we would like to thank Jessie Conaway, Sarah Lemiuex, Josie Lee, Ryan Greendeer, Tom Wilson, and Todd Schmidt for their support in creating this statement. This land acknowledgment was […]

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Offering educational opportunities on Ho-Chunk Culture for the Waunakee community

The goal of this project is to educate the community of the Village of Waunakee about Ho-Chunk Nation history, language, culture, and ecology. This project has been developed through collaboration among representatives from Ho-Chunk Nation, the Village of Waunakee, and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies at UW-Madison. As a part of the UniverCityYear project […]

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Analyzing infill and redevelopment opportunities within the Wausau MPO

The goal of this report is to provide the communities within the boundaries of the Wausau Metropolitan Planning Organization (WMPO) a starting point to consider why, where, what, and how residential infill and redevelopment may benefit, be located, look like, and be encouraged in their community. The report briefly addresses the consequences of sprawl development […]

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Mapping winter road salt use and sensitive areas in Marathon County

To combat the intense winter weather of Northern Wisconsin, road salt has been usedthroughout Marathon county as a cheap, effective means to melt snow and ice on roads, keepingdrivers safe in potentially treacherous conditions. Recent discovery has revealed that this roadsalt application has potentially significant consequences on local ecosystems near roads. Ourgoal of this project […]

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Road Salt Practices Across Wausau Metropolitan Area Municipalities

With the support of Andrew Lynch, AICP, Transportation Planner at the Wausau Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the UniverCity Alliance, students in the Nelson Institute Community Environmental Scholars Program researched road salt practices in the Wausau Metropolitan Area during Spring Semester 2021. Four University of Wisconsin-Madison students participated in the project through their enrollment in Environmental […]

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Planning a rural bicycling network and future bike infrastructure in Marathon County

Marathon County is a county located in central Wisconsin which hosts outdoor recreation activities year-round. Anchored by its largest city, Wausau, the area is known as a gateway to northern Wisconsin. The county hopes to expand its rural biking program in the future, as they currently only offer bike-focused amenities in the Wausau metro area. […]

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