City Policy Support for Public/Outdoor Arts & Public Arts Inventory

University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Bloz Center for Arts Administration students collaborated with the City of Wisconsin Rapids to explore options on how to display the area’s cultural assets. The group aimed to respect underrepresented individuals who have historically been overlooked due to the areas focus on traditional industries through the display of artwork. UniverCity Year Contact […]

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Designing a City of Wisconsin Rapids Arts Collaborative Initiative

Students proposed a plan to create a more diverse and active art scene to increase contributions and attendance by increasing communications between the county and organizations. Increasing the art network would increase funding/marketing, collaboration amongst communities, create better living environments, and tailor to changing demographics. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter Managing Director 608-261-1141 […]

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Celebrating culture: Summaries and recommendations for future cultural engagements in Wisconsin Rapids

The City of Wisconsin Rapids and PACT partnered to develop policies that would enhance incentives for businesses and community members to incorporate local art innovations. The goal was to enhance communications between the community, local art organizations, and businesses in order to capture the county’s history and culture in an enriching way. UniverCity Year Contact […]

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Public Relations and Marketing Strategy for Wisconsin Rapids Recreation Center

The students in Journalsim 454 at the University of Oregon advised the Wisconsin Rapids Recreation Complex on how to better market their brand by increasing presence on social media and updating their website. In doing so, community members will be more well informed, increase activity levels promoting healthier lifestyles. UniverCity Year Contact Info Gavin Luter […]

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Mieles de Colima, caracterización palinológica y alternativas de producción.

RESUMEN EJECUTIVO El Plan Estatal de Desarrollo de Colima 2021–2027 establece que, entre otras actividades económicas, se debe impulsar el campo para tener empleos dignos, así como generar oportunidades a grupos vulnerables. Para ello el Gobierno del Estado de Colima a través de la Subsecretaría de Desarrollo Rural buscará alternativas para el mejoramiento de las […]

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Boletín 2022.1

Durante el primersemestre del 2022.1 continuamos, desde la virtualidad, impulsando el trabajo de la Clínica Jurídica Ambiental de la PUCP, buscando fortalecer la regulación ambiental y ser agentes de cambio en nuestra sociedad. Conscientes de la importancia del enfoque de responsabilidad social universitaria (RSU) que nuestra universidad promueve, se unieron al curso 9 exalumnos, como […]

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Boletín 2020

El presente boletín tiene como objetivo informar a la comunidad académica y al público en general sobre las acciones que, durante el primer semestre del 2020, han emprendido tanto la Clínica Jurídica de Derecho Ambiental de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – PUCP, como las clínicas que forman parte de la Alianza de Clínicas […]

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Sustainable City Year Program Report Summary

Dr. Fernandez’s Infrastructure Systems class partnered with San Juan Bautista and Pacific Grove to analyze cities throughout California which similarly compared to our partner cities. Students collected data for various categories including general government, transportation, housing, tourism & recreation, water, weather, sustainability, facilities, finances, and fire/EMF. Students worked to find cities that similarly compared to […]

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Chemical Storage Tanks Managemet Plan

From water treatment to backup power generation for fire departments and police stations, Aboveground Storage Tanks (ASTs) are used to store a range of chemical agents necessary for a wide variety of local governmental functions. For this reason, it is critical that cities use and maintain ASTs efficiently and safely for their residents, the environment, […]

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Fleet Electrification Plan (2/2)

As the volume of personal vehicles on Arizona roadways continues to grow, cities must discover new ways to reduce traffic and promote alternative modes of transportation. Vehicle emissions are a leading cause of air pollution influencing climate change. Although electric vehicles (EVs) do not necessarily reduce traffic, they do offer the ability for drivers to […]

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