Navigating the legal aspects of providing child care

As identified in the Workforce Innovation for a Strong Economy (WISE) Plan, one of the big issues that our community is facing with regard to available workforce is the lack of available childcare for potential employees. This is a larger issue for the community than just its impact on workforce, because early childhood development is […]

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Childcare in La Crosse County: Exploring the childcare dilemma in La Crosse County and potential solutions

La Crosse County has been struggling with childcare accessibility for its residents due to lack of viable options. The past two decades have seen significant decreases in the amount of regulated childcare businesses. In 1998, there were over 450 regulated childcare businesses in existence in La Crosse County. By 2019, the number of regulated childcare […]

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Addressing racial disparities in Milwaukee County: Policy and program suggestions

Since the County Executive’s declaration of racism as a public health crisis in 2019, Milwaukee County has taken steps, such as creating this project, towards understanding how the county has historically contributed to the racial disparities still persisting in the community as well as how these issues can be rectified. This document details some findings/suggestions […]

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Eliminating Single Use Plastics in Egg Harbor, Wisconsin

Door County is a peninsula surrounded by Lake Michigan, one of the most essentialbodies of water in the United States. Plastic and styrofoam pollution has been an increasingproblem over the past few decades. It is imperative for coastal municipalities to advocate for thehealth of the Great Lakes, and this can be accomplished in part through […]

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Smart Mobility Corridors: Exploring Freight Automation for Brown County, WI

What applications do emerging automation technologies have for the future of freight andshipping in Brown County? The two-person University of Oregon team of Joshua Skov and Graduate Student assessed possible technology and vendor options for a “smart mobility” corridor for freight coming into and leaving from the Port of Green Bay. To explore this possibility, […]

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Sustainable Road Maintenance Options for Brown County, Wisconsin

The Brown County, Wisconsin Public Works department engaged the University of Oregon Sustainable City Year Program to develop a cost-benefit analysis of roadside maintenance options. This report addresses specific strategies including application of aquatic herbicides, planting low-mow grass, hiring goats to graze ditches, leasing innovative equipment, and using prescribed fire to control invasive species while […]

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Columbia Valley Park and Recreation District (CVPRD) Public Participation and Comprehensive Park Plan

During the period of summer 2020-January 2021, Sustainable Communities Partnership (SCP) partnered with the Columbia Valley Park and Recreation District (CVPRD) in East Whatcom County. Through this partnership, students in Dr. Tammi Laninga’s fall quarter Community Development and Participatory Methods course (ENVS 475) conducted a (remote) public engagement campaign in Columbia Valley, and graduate student, […]

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Nueces River Recreation and Ecological Restoration Project

TxTC partnered with H.E. Butt Foundation to develop a conceptual design for a park in Real County, Texas, in June 2020. The community identified this project through an extensive Asset Based Community Development process with Texas Rural Leadership Program (TRLP). In 2017, a group of community members completed the TRLP leadership training and created a […]

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