The City of Albany, Oregon has iden ed three main objec ves to assist city sta to manage, analyze, and visualize historic aerial images for the purposes of parks and recrea on, as well as manage historic assets. The University of Oregon Remote Sensing class, Geography 486/586, supported these e orts by genera ng the […]
University: University of Oregon
Improving Civic and Community Engagement
The City of Albany’s Parks & Recrea on Department (P&R) worked with public rela ons students at the University of Oregon to nd solu ons to increase community engagement and improve trust among Albany residents. The following report includes recommenda ons from ve di erent plans created by student teams during the academic term, with […]
Minto-Brown Island Park Citizen Communications Strategy
The city collaborated with students from the University of Oregon’s Strategic Communication program to develop a communication plan to address a variety of concerns. The city specifically wanted students to create a plan to help citizens acknowledge the value of Minto-Brown Island Park, and by extension other city-operated parks; to promote personal responsibility by park […]
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Strategies and Tactics for Historic Preservation Outreach
The City of Albany Historic Preserva on Program partnered with the University of Oregon (UO) School of Journalism and Communica ons’ Public Rela ons Strategic Planning and Cases class to improve historic homeowners’ involvement, interest, and awareness in historic preserva on while revitalizing rela onships with the Albany Heritage All-Star Community agencies. Students addressed these […]
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Passive Heating Building Analysis
The City of Albany looked to University of Oregon architecture students to gather climate and microclimate information for Monteith Park and use it to quantify local heating needs and monthly net solar heating resources. Student teams developed passive solar designs for park restrooms, a sunspace off the current senior center, and a greenhouse, incorporating spatial, […]
East Thornton Lake Natural Area: Park Design
The City of Albany owns a 26-acre property beside Thornton Lake that is slated to become a future park and nature preserve. The site has historically been used for private homesteading and agriculture but has since become wild elds and woodlands. The community supported the City of Albany’s interest in purchasing the land to protect […]
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Meeting the Housing Needs of Redmond, Oregon: Suggestions for Providing Affordable Housing
The Affordable Housing Plan included an assessment of the existing housing options in Redmond, as well as goals, objectives, and strategies that could be used to encourage the preservation and creation of affordable housing. Although Redmond’s Affordable Housing Plan is comprehensive and fairly detailed, it was drafted before the housing market crash and resulting 2008- […]
Legal Strategies for Sustainability
Sustainable development is development that enables the economic, environmental, and equitable health of the current population without compromising the ability of future generations to meet these needs. To accommodate new growth in the coming years, the City of Redmond can implement its own type of sustainable development to ensure a healthy future for all residents. […]
Integrating Transit and Technology
Students in Tim Clark’s Product Design Studio (BFA 486) were asked develop a multimodal urban transit app to serve users of TriMet’s public transit services. The purpose of a TriMet transit app is to provide users with real time information needed to guide everyday mobility choices, with the goal of minimizing travel time and costs […]
Business Medical District: Economic Improvement District, Redmond
Students in the graduate level Public Budget Administration course within the department of Planning, Public Policy and Management (PPPM) at the University of Oregon (UO) were tasked with examining the viability of an Economic Improvement District (EID) or Business Improvement District (BID) in Redmond, Oregon’s Medical District. The City of Redmond provided three (3) elements […]
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