Preliminary Design Report Adams County Health & Human Services Remodel

The existing Adams County Health and Human Services (HHS) Building located in Friendship, WI is to be repurposed for use in the Adams/Friendship community in a way that is attractive to a developer. There are three alternative repurposing designs addressed in the following report. Each addressesthe building issues outlined by the Adam’s County Sheriff’s Department […]

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Attracting and retaining young professionalsin Adams County

Adams County is facing a scarcity of workers between the ages of 20 to 40, and has been for some time. Growing community frustration, disenfranchisement, and apathy has followed, and there is a desperate need for younger, fresher perspectives and minds to take greater control over Adams County’s future. Local business, along with the school […]

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Promoting tourism, marketing, and branding in Adams, Wood and Juneau Counties

Adams, Wood and Juneau Counties represent the best that Wisconsin has to offer. Combining exceptional hiking, biking, swimming and more, these counties come together to create an ideal getaway from cities like Madison and Chica-go. We seek to target adventurers and families alike, with getaway options that have activities that can appeal to each individual. […]

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Creating a winter tourism campaign for Adams County

We want to make Adams County a winter desti-nation. Adams County is known for their sum-mer and spring recreational activities, but now we want to highlight what their winters have to offer. We want to establish cool, outdoor vaca-tions as a first choice for winter getaways. Our messages will push families to choose Adams County […]

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Cooperatives in Adams County: Case studies and analysis ofchildcare, housing, and food systems cooperatives

In 1980 the world population was at 4.5 billion people and by 1990, that number had increased to 5.3 billion. By the year 2000 that number had surpassed 6 billion and today that number is approaching 8 billion (World Meters). With a population that is growing exponentially comes an increase in the need for basic […]

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Fostering a positive image of Adams County

The appeal of Adams county is held in its rural location, close-knit communities and natural splendor. The small town appeal of the county has much to offer, but has posed issues in recent history. Lack of engagement and stagnancy in local government has prevented the county from creating changes needed and desired by the community. […]

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Groundwater Quality Protection in Pepin County

From 1979 to 2005, the total water use in Pepin County had increased from about 1.2 milliongallons per day to about 3 million gallons used per day (Protecting Groundwater in Wisconsinthrough Comprehensive Planning). This increase in water use is believed to be from irrigationand industrial use. Water use trends in commercial use do not reflect […]

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Health impact assessment of multi-hazards

The purpose of this document is to provide Pepin County with a summary of the reports from University of Wisconsin–Madison regarding the 2017-2022 Pepin County Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan. Thereports cover four topics within the plan that are expected to have significant impact on Pepin County residents: extreme weather, flooding, water quality, and agricultural land use. […]

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Increasing visitors to Holden Park in Pepin County, WI

Pepin County staff are interested in increasing the number of visitors to Holden and Silver Birch Parks. The parks were acquired in the 1970’s and have not been heavily developed. Existing challenges include difficult terrain, high numbers of invasive species, and a lack of a cohesive vision for the parks. Recommendations in this report are […]

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