City Center Urban Design Plan, Studio II

Under the guidance of Dr. Nick Zaferatos, students evaluated current conditions, community goals and policies, community preferences, infill development feasibility, and urban planning principles and practices, in order to develop a series of planning alternatives to guide the infill development in Ferndale’s city center. (ENVS 472, winter 2019 Read the final student report delivered to […]

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City Center Urban Design Plan, Studio III

Under the guidance of Dr. Tammi Laninga, students worked to identify implementation strategies for design concepts developed in winter quarter’s urban planning studio course. This included regulatory reforms, development incentives, public and private investment opportunities, mobility improvement and implementation issues, and phased development plans. (ENVS 473, spring 2019 Read the final student report delivered to […]

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Field Effort

Under the direction of past SCP Coordinator, David Davidson, a field crew of students used surveyor’s instruments to measure the elevation of the ground floor of every building in West Stanwood. They gathered information about the size and type of each building’s foundation and performed some face-to-face interviews. Read the final student report delivered to […]

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Setback Reform

The students in Dr. Tammi Laninga’s course, Land Use Regulations, researched other jurisdictions’ handling of setbacks for private roads and drafted changes to a county code. (ENVS 397J, winter 2018) Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Cities Partnership Contact Info University Faculty Contact Tammi Laninga Local Government / Community […]

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Baseline Knowledge

The students in Dr. Rebekah Paci-Green’s Natural Hazards Planning course created a website that displays results of a “SafeGrowth Audit” that revealed discrepancies between Stanwood’s Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan and its Hazard Mitigation Plan. (ENVS 372, fall 2017) Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Cities Partnership Contact Info […]

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Downtown Design Regulation Revision

The students in Dr. Tammi Laninga’s course, Land Use Regulations, researched other jurisdictions’ downtown design regulations, compared those to Ferndale’s current code, and developed recommendations for code revisions. (ENVS 374, winter 2019 Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Cities Partnership Contact Info University Faculty Contact Tammi Laninga Local Government […]

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Disaster Reduction and Emergency Planning

The spring 2017 Disaster Reduction and Emergency Planning Studio course (ENVS 476) worked on issues related to sea level rise in Edmonds. A four-person team performed background research, developed models, ran the models, and described results. Interactions with city staff were by Skype, but the students traveled to Edmonds on June 9, 2017, to present […]

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