Black Vulture Project: Forming a Business Plan

After securing space for an artist residency, studio, gallery, and coffee shop, the leaders of the Black Vulture Project will work with students in the Kelley School of Business to identify benchmarks for similar organizations, with the goal of laying the foundations for a sustainable business plan. Read the final student report delivered to the […]

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Black Vulture Project: Forming a Business Plan

After securing space for an artist residency, studio, gallery, and coffee shop, the leaders of the Black Vulture Project will work with students in the Kelley School of Business to identify benchmarks for similar organizations, with the goal of laying the foundations for a sustainable business plan. Read the final student report delivered to the […]

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Realm Housing – A pitch for transitional housing on land being converted to organic agriculture

According to the survey about the farmworkers inside of Salinas Valley and Pajaro Valley between 2001 and 2012(Coile, 2016), farmworkers have many housing problems. Especially the living conditions of farmworkers for example, one statistical data study states that more than 40% farmworkers reported the problem with plumbing, roaches, cracking, and peeling. In addition, the average […]

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Downtown Albany St. Francis Hotel Viability

This report summarizes the student design proposals for redeveloping three sites in downtown Albany, Oregon. University of Oregon Architecture students were tasked with identifying op ons to increase activity within the respective sites in the downtown region.The projects were divided into three separate proposals; these three integrated architectural components consisting of the categories “eat, shop, […]

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DeWitt Referral Center Retail Management Recommendations

Through a graduate assistantship from the Tippie College of Business, an MBA student worked alongside IISC staff to develop recommendations for retail inventory management policies and procedures for the DeWitt Referral Center, a non-profit organization that serves a resource for local families experiencing hardship or crisis. Read the final student report delivered to the local […]

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Spring Creek Watershed Water Forum

This project will inform the community of stakeholders of water resources in the region as to potential divergent positions and issues, as well as opinions and attitudes towards an integrated regional water management approach. Student research and role play will identify stakeholders’ values and perceptions with the goal of framing procedures towards future resolution while […]

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Recycling Marketing Plan For Foxdale Village

This project will expand on a past SCC project in spring 2015 that evaluated Foxdale’s recycling program. Students will identify ways to motivate residents to recycle and how to increase interest in sustainability as a community and as individuals Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info […]

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