Recycling Marketing Plan For Foxdale Village

This project will expand on a past SCC project in spring 2015 that evaluated Foxdale’s recycling program. Students will identify ways to motivate residents to recycle and how to increase interest in sustainability as a community and as individuals Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable Communities Collaborative Contact Info […]

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Redmond Municipal Airport Market Assets Report

This project developed a strategic branding and marketing program for the airport to maximize marketing and advertising. Roberts Field functions as the Municipal Airport for Redmond, OR, servicing the residents of Central Oregon. Roberts Field benefits from high tourism year-round in Central Oregon. Central Oregon includes Crook, Deschutes, and Jefferson Counties. Deschutes County was the […]

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Cannabis Club

This project describes the implementation of a Cannabis Club that will allow visitors a safe space to Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable City Years Program Contact Info University Faculty Contact Dante Digregorio Business Associate Professor Local Government / Community Contact Gloria Stearns Economic Development Economic Development Program […]

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WRF Biosolids Alternatives Market Analysis

The University of Oregon Master of Business Administra on and Master of Accoun ng students collaborated in Joshua Skov’s graduate-level course in Industrial Ecology (MGMT 641), inves ga ng the possibili es for the marke ng and sale of outputs from the treatment of wastewater (sewage) at the Albany Water Reclama on Facility. In the […]

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Workforce Asset Analysis and Potential; Industry Ecosystem Targeting; Urban Renewal Program Best Practices

The overall goal of this course was to enhance the attractiveness of La Pine for its citizens, visitors, and businesses. This goal was broken into three primary projects focusing on Urban Renewal, industry viability, and workforce evaluation. The overall objective for the first project was to provide best practices for Urban Renewal processes in the […]

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Marketing Strategies for Bellevue Parks and Community Services

The goal of this project will be to perform a high level climate vulnerability assessment for the City of Bellevue, to understand the greatest risks and vulnerabilities in the city from climate change. The project will involve the review of existing regional, statewide, and national studies to assess the impact of climate change on Bellevue’s […]

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Dorris Ranch: Business Planning and Strategy Project

The Dorris Ranch Business Planning and Strategy Project was created to assess the current situation of the park, identify areas of opportunity, and develop a strategy that would improve the park’s awareness, usage and long term revenue. Students were tasked to research and recommend new events and programs, as well as improvements involving marketing, signage, […]

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Team Up to Clean Up Beautification Initiative

Support beautification and recycling efforts in New Albany, with a dual emphasis on reaching business owners and youth in order to create a culture of environmental stewardship and sustainability. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. M Partner Contact Info Laura Martin M Partner Director and Associate Director of the McLean […]

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Green Marketing Plan For The Nature Inn

Students will be divided into three groups to support the design of potential marketing approaches at the Nature Inn. Two groups will focus on website design and function, eco-tourism certifications, and benchmarking against comparable national and local hotels. The third group will devise a comprehensive marketing strategy for the Inn that includes flyers, press releases, […]

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Webster City – Finding Grants for All Cultures Equal

Students in the course Non-Profit Organizational Effectiveness worked with representatives of All Cultures Equal to find external grants that could meet the organization’s funding priorities. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities Contact Info University Faculty Contact Jill Smith Business Local Government / Community Contact Kathy […]

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