Fiscal Impact Analysis for the Town of New Windsor, Maryland

New Windsor, Maryland is seeking to install upgrades to town infrastructure; accomplishing this would have significant costs. Based on preliminary projections, there is potential for growth over the next 20-30 years, and it is important to consider that this growth could bring in new revenue. New Windsor has commissioned seniors in the University of Maryland’s […]

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Litter Tracking App for Patapsco Heritage Greenway

The Patapsco Heritage Greenway (PHG) and the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) help preserve Maryland’s natural resources along the Patapsco River. PHG oversees volunteers who take on various roles ranging from litter cleanup to identification, while DNR works in conjunction with PHG in clean-up efforts. Both PHG and DNR seek to enhance their data […]

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Analyzing Micro-Local Communication Technologies to Support an On-Campus Agroecology Corridor

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources seeks to to raise awareness of and stimulate conversations about sustainability, food security, and food supply within the University of Maryland and is pursuing the creation of an Agroecology Corridor. This project would connect the network of green spaces and sustainability projects on campus to maximize their use […]

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Analyzing the Economic Impacts of Events within Prince George’s County

This collaborative project between PALS students, and representatives from M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR), Prince George’s County began as a data analysis effort. We were to analyze existing data from M-NCPPC, Department of Parks and Recreation for insights into how hosted events and rental facilities impact the economics of Prince George’s County as […]

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Building Lifecycle Utility Cost Analysis

Prince George’s County Parks & Recreation builds, operates, and maintains a number of facilities with significant lifespans. To better understand the impact of capital investment and building code changes that might lead to reducing long term operating costs, the Department seeks a comparative analysis using available utilities usage data from six large, well established facilities. […]

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Senior Citizen Technology Accessibility Assessment

The Prince George’s County Department of Parks and Recreation runs numerous programs to serve senior citizens. This includes programs ranging from intellectual and physical engagement to social services and healthcare-related programs. Due to the pandemic and enforcement of social distancing protocols, the county has moved most of its services online. The Department of Parks and […]

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Historic Preservation Digital History Design

The goal for this project was to create the early stages of a web development project for the Prince George’s County Parks and Recreation Department. Our team created the initial wireframe designs, identified problems for future aspects of the project, and provided recommendations for the next stages of development. The original project requirements included developing […]

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Expert Review of the MyCoast Application

The MyCoast app is a mobile and web-based application used by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to document and analyze pictures and data of flooding caused by precipitation and coastal events. The data it collects is used for various purposes, including visualizing impacts of flood events, as well as enhancing awareness of flood events […]

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