Strategies and Tactics for Historic Preservation Outreach

The City of Albany Historic Preserva on Program partnered with the University of Oregon (UO) School of Journalism and Communica ons’ Public Rela ons Strategic Planning and Cases class to improve historic homeowners’ involvement, interest, and awareness in historic preserva on while revitalizing rela onships with the Albany Heritage All-Star Community agencies. Students addressed these […]

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Bike Walk Roll- City of Redmond

Students in professor Margy Parker journalism class developed a short-term, mid-term, and long-term recommendations to promote biking, walking, and rolling in Redmond. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Sustainable City Year Program Contact Info Megan Banks Sustainable City Year Program Manager (541) 346-6395 University Faculty Contact Margy Parker Journalism […]

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Strategic Public Relations Plan: Springfield’s Adopt-A-Waterway Program

Springfield believes that most pollution by residents can be attributed to a lack of awareness and have tasked this class of Journalism and Communications students to conduct a public relations campaign and make recommendations on which characteristics of the Adopt-A-Waterway program would be most appealing to residents. This report contains a Strategic Public Relations Plan […]

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Strategic Public Relations Plan: Springfield Public Library

Springfield Public Library has been a fixture in the community for 104 years and was established in its current location in Springfield City Hall in 1981. The Library is planning for a new library facility and has tasked this class to develop a Strategic Public Relations Plan based on research surveys and interviews. Students performed […]

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Springfield Public Library Research

Springfield Public Library is currently seeking ways to encourage growth in community involvement. Students and faculty collaborated with city staff to explore and expand the scope of inquiry. Research was conducted by University of Oregon students in Professor Patricia Curtin’s Strategic Communication Research Methods course. Students conducted primary and secondary research in order to assess […]

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Redmond Water Utilities Strategic Communication Plan: Creating Enviormentally Conscious K-12 Students

Redmond Wastewater Division (RWD) partnered with a University of Oregon (UO) School of Journalism and Communications public relations course, J453: Strategic Planning and Cases for Public Relations, to increase awareness and educate Redmond elementary, middle, and high school students about water conservation and contamination. In order to prevent the growth of a severe water conservation […]

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City of Redmond Community Engagment Plan

Over the course of 10 weeks, students in Public Relations Campaigns (J454) at the University of Oregon collaborated with City of Redmond officials and staff to identify goals, objectives, target audiences, strategies, and tactics that would help to increase civic engagement among the residents of Redmond. The ultimate goal of the project was to create […]

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Strategic Public Relations Plan & Client Materials

Over 10 weeks, a team of students in J454, the Public Relations Campaigns class at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication, conducted primary and secondary research to enhance their understanding of the Redmond Wastewater Division, how it operates, and its position in the City of Redmond and the larger realm of public […]

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