Water Reuse and Conservation

Investigate the feasibility of reusing storm water or treated effluent for irrigation, industrial applications, or other uses. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Matt Simcik Public Health Local Government / Community Contact Andy Brotzler Public Works Director/City Engineer, City of Rosemount […]

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Public Health: Principles and Practice

This project is the result of a collaboration between the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) and the Dane County Department of Human Services (DCDHS). DCDHS and the Dane County Board of Supervisors have identified “super-utilizers” of human services as a population who would be more effectively served by a coordinated response. The […]

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Air Quality in National City

Four air quality course projects were completed by San Diego State University (SDSU) graduate students in collaboration with National City and the Sage Project in winter 2015. The intent of this partnership was to achieve the city’s goal to quantify fine particulate matter air pollution concentrations in residential, commercial, and industrial areas near roadways/freeways in […]

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Mitigation Strategies for a Changing Climate in National City, CA

The climate change mitigation strategies outlined in this report were created through the partnership between National City and the SDSU Sage Project during the fall of 2014. Graduate students in the Public Health 700D course titled “Global Climate Change,” taught by Professor Zohir Chowdhury, elected one of two project options: designing a pedestrian and bicycle […]

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Lemon Grove Climate Action Planning: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change in Lemon Grove, CA

Recent satellite and ground-based data have indicated that Earth’s climate is changing at an alarmingly fast rate as the mean global temperature continues to rise. This effect is visible around the world and is already beginning to threaten both society and the environment (Kitchen, 2014). Our failure to limit the emissions of heat-trapping green-house gases […]

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Air Quality and Noise Pollution in Lemon Grove

This report details a collaboration between the San Diego State University Graduate School of Public Health’s Spring 2017 PH 632 Air Quality course, the Sage Project, and the City of Lemon Grove. The studies contained in this report were designed to provide the City of Lemon Grove with data regarding humidity, noise levels, and ambient […]

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Clearing up the Haze: Towards a Comprehensive View of the National City Air Quality Picture

The data contained in this report were generated during collaboration between National City, the Sage project, and San Diego State University’s Graduate School of Public Health (GSPH) in the spring of 2014. Fourteen students from the Environmental Health division of the GSPH who were enrolled in a course entitled ‘Air Quality’, taught by Professor Zohir […]

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Community Gardens and City Parks in Lemon Grove, CA

The City of Lemon Grove has collaborated with the Sage Project and San Diego State University to develop and introduce a community garden and evaluate the current city parks to determine what can be achieved to further benefit and serve the residents of Lemon Grove. This comprehensive report addresses these main objectives and offers recommendations […]

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Innovating Solutions to Public Health Priorities

Undergraduate Kilachand students will assist the Town in understanding and responding to key health challenges (such as air pollution and opioid addiction) by innovating program and policy solutions in a hack-a-thon style project. These solutions will be presented directly to the Town’s new Public Health Director. Read the final student report delivered to the local […]

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Evaluation of Intercultural Specialist Program

To conduct a formative evaluation of the Intercultural Specialist program for Eastern Carver County School District Community Education. Read the final student report delivered to the local gov/community partner. Resilient Communities Project Contact Info University Faculty Contact Zobeida Bonilla Public Health Local Government / Community Contact Jackie Johnston […]

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