Club House Beaufort County – Messaging and Recruitment Plan

This project was part of USCB’s Students Connected experiential learning program. USCB public health students were given the opportunity to work with the Beaufort County Clubhouse to develop and propose a social marketing campaign to recruit community members to volunteer as Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSSs) for Clubhouse members in Beaufort County. Read the final […]

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Improving Rural Transportation in Green County

This project was developed as part of the UniverCity Year, a partnership between the Green County Economic Development Corporation and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Green County Healthy Community Coalition determined that transportation presents a significant challenge for many residents in Green County in accessing medical care, grocery stores, and other services. In consultation with […]

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Rural Health Care Services Outreach Program

This project will assess community health and health needs in the Sequatchie valley, develop priorities and plans based on research and assessment, and implement projects to address those needs. Students will develop an analysis of the relationships among economic and health factors It will also engage Extension educators in the Sequatchie Valley in collaboration with […]

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Cultural Neighborhood Mapping

This is part of a year-long engagement with this project. During the fall quarter, students will identify and summarize available data to help describe Auburn’s 5 neighborhoods. Students will conduct stakeholder interviews, and will identify aspects of shared identity and diversity. Students will create a community profile of each of Auburn’s 5 neighborhoods to support […]

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Study of Preparation for Emergencies and Disasters in Auburn

This course will conduct a situation analysis of Auburn residents’ understanding of the risks of natural and man-made disasters, and propose policy and program interventions to improve disaster preparedness. Proposals will include policy and programs that address both individual and community-level components as well as best practices in relation to cultural competence. Read the final […]

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Increasing Breastfeeding Rates in Green County: A Media Communications Campaign

The Green County Health Department and the Green County Breastfeeding collaborative have made a commitment to increasing breastfeeding rates by 2019 through a wide variety of strategies. In 2016, Green County identified the need to “develop a comprehensive breastfeeding resource with a mainstream message that can be disseminated to the community by 2017” (Green County […]

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Neighborhood Area Planning: Identifying Change, Growth, and Possibility in Bellevue, Washington

The City of Bellevue seeks legal research and analysis on regulatory options available to the city in relation to transient and/or short term residential rentals and municipal regulation of short-term rentals, short-term providers, and short-term operators. The city would work with the students to conduct the statutory and case law research on these issues and […]

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Applying the Community Nursing Practice Model to the Bellevue Fire Department’s Public Health Outreach

The ability to automatically and quickly locate the geographic location of a city-owned vehicle could provide benefit to resource management, more rapid deployment of emergency vehicles, and/or more timely issue resolution. Automatic vehicle locator technology could also increase efficiency of fleet operations, reduce vehicle downtime, and enhance worker safety. Students will assess existing challenges, evaluate […]

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Bicycles & Pedestrians Safety and Use Campaigns

Students in the Public Health Program completed two projects, both of which focused on increasing awareness and use of safe road-sharing behaviors and bicycling transportation in Iowa City. The first project was focused on the creation of a communications campaign about how sharrows are understood and function as a means for bicyclers and motorists to […]

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